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基本信息表 官名
官名 Postings
person id
註:若有同時任命的官職, 請手動填上相同的sequence
0 unknown 未详
0 unknown 未详
0 unknown 未详
0 unknown 未详
0 Weizhi 未知
0 Weizhi 未知
-1 before 之前
0 during 之間
1 after 之後
2 around 約
300 960-1082 元豐五年前
301 1082-1279 元豐五年後
0 [未詳] [Unknown]
1 甲子 jia zi
2 乙丑 yi chou
3 丙寅 bing yin
4 丁卯 ding mao
5 戊辰 wu chen
6 己巳 ji si
7 庚午 geng wu
8 辛未 xin wei
9 壬申 ren shen
10 癸酉 gui you
11 甲戌 jia xu
12 乙亥 yi hai
13 丙子 bing zi
14 丁丑 ding chou
15 戊寅 wu yin
16 己卯 ji mao
17 庚辰 geng chen
18 辛巳 xin si
19 壬午 ren wu
20 癸未 gui wei
21 甲申 jia shen
22 乙酉 yi you
23 丙戌 bing xu
24 丁亥 ding hai
25 戊子 wu zi
26 己丑 ji chou
27 庚寅 geng yin
28 辛卯 xin mao
29 壬辰 ren chen
30 癸巳 gui si
31 甲午 jia wu
32 乙未 yi wei
33 丙申 bing shen
34 丁酉 ding you
35 戊戌 wu xu
36 己亥 ji hai
37 庚子 geng zi
38 辛丑 xin chou
39 壬寅 ren yin
40 癸卯 gui mao
41 甲辰 jia chen
42 乙巳 yi si
43 丙午 bing wu
44 丁未 ding wei
45 戊申 wu shen
46 己酉 ji you
47 庚戌 geng xu
48 辛亥 xin hai
49 壬子 ren zi
50 癸丑 gui chou
51 甲寅 jia yin
52 乙卯 yi mao
53 丙辰 bing chen
54 丁巳 ding si
55 戊午 wu wu
56 己未 ji wei
57 庚申 geng shen
58 辛酉 xin you
59 壬戌 ren xu
60 癸亥 gui hai
-1 before 之前
0 during 之間
1 after 之後
2 around 約
300 960-1082 元豐五年前
301 1082-1279 元豐五年後
0 [未詳] [Unknown]
1 甲子 jia zi
2 乙丑 yi chou
3 丙寅 bing yin
4 丁卯 ding mao
5 戊辰 wu chen
6 己巳 ji si
7 庚午 geng wu
8 辛未 xin wei
9 壬申 ren shen
10 癸酉 gui you
11 甲戌 jia xu
12 乙亥 yi hai
13 丙子 bing zi
14 丁丑 ding chou
15 戊寅 wu yin
16 己卯 ji mao
17 庚辰 geng chen
18 辛巳 xin si
19 壬午 ren wu
20 癸未 gui wei
21 甲申 jia shen
22 乙酉 yi you
23 丙戌 bing xu
24 丁亥 ding hai
25 戊子 wu zi
26 己丑 ji chou
27 庚寅 geng yin
28 辛卯 xin mao
29 壬辰 ren chen
30 癸巳 gui si
31 甲午 jia wu
32 乙未 yi wei
33 丙申 bing shen
34 丁酉 ding you
35 戊戌 wu xu
36 己亥 ji hai
37 庚子 geng zi
38 辛丑 xin chou
39 壬寅 ren yin
40 癸卯 gui mao
41 甲辰 jia chen
42 乙巳 yi si
43 丙午 bing wu
44 丁未 ding wei
45 戊申 wu shen
46 己酉 ji you
47 庚戌 geng xu
48 辛亥 xin hai
49 壬子 ren zi
50 癸丑 gui chou
51 甲寅 jia yin
52 乙卯 yi mao
53 丙辰 bing chen
54 丁巳 ding si
55 戊午 wu wu
56 己未 ji wei
57 庚申 geng shen
58 辛酉 xin you
59 壬戌 ren xu
60 癸亥 gui hai
0 未詳 Unknown null null
1 正授 Regular Appointment null null
2 權 Provisional Appointment null null
3 行 Lower Acting Appointment null null
4 守 Higher Acting Appointment null null
5 試 Exceptional Acting Appointment null null
6 權發遣 Temporary Appointment null null
7 借 Temporary Higher Office Appointment null null
8 假 Temporary null null
9 添差 Extraordinary Appointment null null
10 添差不釐務 Nominal Extraordinary Appointment null null
11 添差仍釐務 Extraordinary Appointment Serving null null
12 視 Provisional Appointment null null
13 攝 Irregular Appointment null null
21 封 Enfoeffed As null null
22 贈 Granted The Nominal Title Of null null
23 累贈 Granted The Further Nominal Title Of null null
24 卒贈 Granted The Nominal Title At Death null null
25 檢校 Honorary Title null null
26 入内 Eunuch null null
27 追封 Posthumously Enfoeffed null null
28 追贈 Posthumously Granted The Nominal Title Of null null
29 卒封 Enfoeffed At Death As null null
30 累封 Further Enfoeffed As null null
31 襲封 Inherited Enfoeffement As null null
32 署 Acting (or deputy) 署理 Acting
33 判 Used When The Official'S Rank Is Higher Than The Position Expects null null
34 簽書 Used When The Official'S Rank Is Lower Than The Position Expects null null
35 權管勾 Used When The Official'S Rank Is Lower Than The Position Expects null null
36 致仕 Retired null null
37 兼 Concurrent Appointment 兼理;兼署;兼署 null
38 恩例 null null null
39 進階 null null null
40 表 null null null
41 蔭襲 null null null
42 任 null null null
43 誥贈 null null null
44 誥封 null null null
45 授 null null null
46 充 null null null
47 遙授 null null null
48 賜 null null null
49 改 null null null
50 特進 null null null
51 進階 null null null
52 陞 null null null
53 追 null null null
54 援例 null null null
55 敕封 null null null
56 贈署 null null null
57 進 null null null
59 加 null null null
60 勅贈 null null null
61 例授 null null null
62 選 null null null
63 調 null null null
64 降 null null null
65 補 null null null
66 差 null null null
67 歷 null null null
68 歷陞 null null null
69 復補 null null null
70 復除 null null null
71 謫 null null null
72 轉 null null null
73 復稱 null null null
74 復改 null null null
75 復 null null null
76 改補 null null null
77 起 null null null
78 調繁 null null null
79 擬授 null null null
80 左遷 null null null
81 超陞 null null null
82 降陞 null null null
84 蔭 null null null
85 復原 null null null
86 復調 null null null
87 補陞 null null null
88 除 null null null
89 遷 null null null
90 調補 null null null
92 降除 null null null
93 暫擬 null null null
94 暫 null null null
95 降補 null null null
96 考選 null null null
97 擬 null null null
98 歷任 null null null
99 復起 null null null
100 候選 Candidate For A Post 候選 null
102 冊封 Grant Of Nobility null null
103 加贈 Additional Posthumous Office null null
104 銜 Brevet Or Nominal Office 坐銜 nominal office
105 捐 Office By Contribution 報捐 null
106 晉贈 Posthumous Promotion null null
107 暫署 null null null
108 欽封 Enfoeffment By The Emperor null null
109 特贈 Posthumous Office null null
110 襲 Office By Inheritance null null
111 護 null 護理 null
112 復除 Restored To Previous Office null null
113 捐復 Restored To Position By Contribution null null
114 降襲 null null null
115 追復 Restored To Position Posthumously null null
116 行走 Concurrently Serving null null
117 學習行走 Attached On Probation null null
118 額外 Supernumerary null null
119 值年 On Annual Duty null null
120 上 Promoted null null
121 上行走 Superior Concurrently Serving null null
122 行在 Auxiliary (Prefix) null null
123 試用 Probationer (Prefix) null null
124 員外置同正員 Additional Appointment That Is Equivalent To Regular Officer null null
125 借補 Expedient appointment null null
126 帶行 Honorably Acting Appointment null null
0 未詳 Unknown
1 赴任 Assumed the office
2 辭不就 Declined the office
3 未赴任而卒 Died before assuming the office
4 未赴任而改命 Appointment changed before assuming the office
5 未赴任 Did not assume the office
0 unknown 未詳 null
1 Classification title 階官 from Kracke, "Translation of Sung Civil Service Titles"
2 Commission 差遣 Used in the Song before 1080, from Kracke, "Translation of Sung Civil Service Titles"
3 Complimentary censorial title 憲官 from Kracke, "Translation of Sung Civil Service Titles"
4 Dignitary 勳 12 honorific titles, from Kracke, "Translation of Sung Civil Service Titles"
5 Honorary office 檢校官 19 titular offices, from Kracke, "Translation of Sung Civil Service Titles"
6 Office 職事官 After 1080, the title suggests the function, includes a number of the chaiqian office, from Kracke, "Translation of Sung Civil Service Titles"
7 Prestige title 散官 Used before 1080, from Kracke, "Translation of Sung Civil Service Titles"
8 Probationary title 試秩 from Kracke, "Translation of Sung Civil Service Titles"
9 Nobility 爵 from Kracke, "Translation of Sung Civil Service Titles"
10 Titular office 本官 Before 1080 denotes rank, after 1080 denotes actual position.
11 Salary rank 寄祿官 Always used to define rank for salary purposes
12 Sinecure post 祠祿官 null
13 Nominal supernumerary appointment 帖職 c_notes from Hucker, used for eminent official appointed to academic status position
15 Concurrent appointment 兼職差遣 Used for appointments that are concurrent with the posting noted in source