Basicinformation 基本信息表 親屬

1曾祖 FFF白昂 Bai Ang
2祖父 FF白圻 Bai Qi
3父 F Father白悅 Bai Yue
4兄 B+ Brother, elder白若圭 Bai Ruogui
5兄 B+ Brother, elder白仲 Bai Zhong
6兄 B+ Brother, elder白偁 Bai Cheng
7兄 B+ Brother, elder白倬 Bai Zhuo
8兄 B+ Brother, elder白偲 Bai Si
9兄 B+ Brother, elder白應雲 Bai Yingyun
10兄 B+ Brother, elder白儒 Bai Ru
11兄 B+ Brother, elder白侃 Bai Kan
12兄 B+ Brother, elder白偉 Bai Wei
13兄 B+ Brother, elder白若水 Bai Ruoshui
14弟 B– Brother, younger白啟京 Bai Qijing
15弟 B– Brother, younger白若璧 Bai Ruobi
16弟 B– Brother, younger白啟詹 Bai Qizhan
17弟 B– Brother, younger白應元 Bai Yingyuan
18弟 B– Brother, younger白啟吳 Bai Qiwu
19弟 B– Brother, younger白應奎 Bai Yingkui
20弟 B– Brother, younger白應壽 Bai Yingshou
21弟 B– Brother, younger白啟河 Bai Qihe
22妻子 W Wife富氏(白啟常妻) Fu Shi(Wife of Baiqichang)
23繼母 M^ Stepmother楊氏(白啟常繼母) Yang Shi(Stepmother of Baiqichang)
24私生子女之本生母 M! Mother of a bastard陳氏(白啟常生母) Chen Shi(Mother Blood-Related of Baiqichang)
25嫡母 M~ Mother, nominal; legitimate wife as nominal mother to children of concubine鄒氏(白啟常嫡母) Zou Shi(Mother, Nominal of Baiqichang)