Basicinformation 基本信息表 親屬

1曾祖 FFF包文助 Bao Wenzhu
2祖父 FF包甸 Bao Dian
3父 F Father包銘 Bao Ming
4母 M Mother紀氏(包澤母) Ji Shi(Mother of Baoze)
5兄 B+ Brother, elder包澄 Bao Cheng
6弟 B– Brother, younger包漙 Bao Zhuan
7弟 B– Brother, younger包浩 Bao Hao
8弟 B– Brother, younger包渙 Bao Huan
9弟 B– Brother, younger包治 Bao Zhi
10弟 B– Brother, younger包溥 Bao Pu
11弟 B– Brother, younger包濬 Bao Xun
12弟 B– Brother, younger包汶 Bao Wen
13弟 B– Brother, younger包沐 Bao Mu
14弟 B– Brother, younger包潭 Bao Tan
15妻子 W Wife單氏(包澤妻) Dan Shi(Wife of Baoze)