Basicinformation 基本信息表 親屬

1曾祖 FFF汪璉 Wang Lian
2祖父 FF汪藻 Wang Zao
3父 F Father汪文盛 Wang Wensheng
4母 M Mother彭氏(汪宗伊母) Peng Shi(Mother of Wangzongyi)
5兄 B+ Brother, elder汪宗元 Wang Zongyuan
6兄 B+ Brother, elder汪宗凱 Wang Zongkai
7兄 B+ Brother, elder汪宗皋 Wang Zonggao
8弟 B– Brother, younger汪宗召 Wang Zongzhao
9弟 B– Brother, younger汪宗南 Wang Zongnan
10弟 B– Brother, younger汪宗光 Wang Zongguang
11弟 B– Brother, younger汪宗介 Wang Zongjie
12弟 B– Brother, younger汪宗軾 Wang Zongshi
13弟 B– Brother, younger汪宗說 Wang Zongshuo
14弟 B– Brother, younger汪宗夔 Wang Zongkui
15弟 B– Brother, younger汪宗菜 Wang Zongcai
16妻子 W Wife蔡氏(汪宗伊妻) Cai Shi(Wife of Wangzongyi)