Basicinformation 基本信息表 親屬

序號 親屬關係類別 親戚姓名 操作
1 曾祖 FFF 吳士寧 Wu Shining
2 祖父 FF 吳謙 Wu Qian
3 父 F Father 吳璿 Wu Xuan
4 兄 B+ Brother, elder 吳濟 Wu Ji
5 兄 B+ Brother, elder 吳沂 Wu Yi
6 兄 B+ Brother, elder 吳溥 Wu Pu
7 兄 B+ Brother, elder 吳漢 Wu Han
8 兄 B+ Brother, elder 吳泰 Wu Tai
9 兄 B+ Brother, elder 吳洵 Wu Xun
10 兄 B+ Brother, elder 吳深 Wu Shen
11 弟 B– Brother, younger 吳濬 Wu Xun
12 弟 B– Brother, younger 吳瀛 Wu Ying
13 弟 B– Brother, younger 吳澈 Wu Che
14 弟 B– Brother, younger 吳漳 Wu Zhang
15 弟 B– Brother, younger 吳洲 Wu Zhou
16 弟 B– Brother, younger 吳潮 Wu Chao
17 弟 B– Brother, younger 吳演 Wu Yan
18 弟 B– Brother, younger 吳淓 Wu Fang
19 弟 B– Brother, younger 吳湘 Wu Xiang
20 弟 B– Brother, younger 吳渙 Wu Huan
21 弟 B– Brother, younger 吳治 Wu Zhi
22 弟 B– Brother, younger 吳法 Wu Fa
23 弟 B– Brother, younger 吳? Wu ??
24 弟 B– Brother, younger 吳浹 Wu Jia
25 弟 B– Brother, younger 吳泳 Wu Yong
26 妻子 W Wife 陸氏(吳源妻) Lu Shi(Wife of Wuyuan)
27 私生子女之本生母 M! Mother of a bastard 林氏(吳源生母) Lin Shi(Mother Blood-Related of Wuyuan)
28 嫡母 M~ Mother, nominal; legitimate wife as nominal mother to children of concubine 陳氏(吳源嫡母) Chen Shi(Mother, Nominal of Wuyuan)