Basicinformation 基本信息表 親屬

1曾祖 FFF邵珉 Shao Min
2祖父 FF邵文達 Shao Wenda
3父 F Father邵悳久 Shao Dejiu
4母 M Mother張氏(邵陛母) Zhang Shi(Mother of Shaobi)
5兄 B+ Brother, elder邵某 Shao Mou
6兄 B+ Brother, elder邵漳 Shao Zhang
7兄 B+ Brother, elder邵型 Shao Xing
8兄 B+ Brother, elder邵畯 Shao Jun
9兄 B+ Brother, elder邵壂 Shao Dian
10兄 B+ Brother, elder邵甄 Shao Zhen
11兄 B+ Brother, elder邵陞 Shao Sheng
12弟 B– Brother, younger邵堪 Shao Kan
13弟 B– Brother, younger邵垈 Shao Dai
14弟 B– Brother, younger邵塈 Shao Xi
15弟 B– Brother, younger邵圭 Shao Gui
16弟 B– Brother, younger邵堤 Shao Di
17弟 B– Brother, younger邵埫 Shao Shang
18妻子 W Wife諸氏(邵陛妻) Zhu Shi(Wife of Shaobi)
19繼母 M^ Stepmother吳氏(邵陛前母) Wu Shi(Father'S Late Wife of Shaobi)