Basicinformation 基本信息表 親屬

序號 親屬關係類別 親戚姓名 操作
1 曾祖 FFF 邵偉 Shao Wei
2 祖父 FF 邵有信 Shao Youxin
3 父 F Father 邵震 Shao Zhen
4 母 M Mother 胡氏(邵燁母) Hu Shi(Mother of Shaoye)
5 兄 B+ Brother, elder 邵煉 Shao Lian
6 兄 B+ Brother, elder 邵炫 Shao Xuan
7 弟 B– Brother, younger 邵熠 Shao Yi
8 弟 B– Brother, younger 邵焲 Shao Yi
9 弟 B– Brother, younger 邵焞 Shao Tun
10 弟 B– Brother, younger 邵某 Shao Mou
11 弟 B– Brother, younger 邵烈 Shao Lie
12 弟 B– Brother, younger 邵爚 Shao Yue
13 弟 B– Brother, younger 邵焵 Shao Gang
14 弟 B– Brother, younger 邵熇 Shao Xiao
15 弟 B– Brother, younger 邵逖 Shao Ti
16 弟 B– Brother, younger 邵熷 Shao Zeng
17 弟 B– Brother, younger 邵爌 Shao Kuang
18 妻子 W Wife 吳氏(邵燁妻) Wu Shi(Wife of Shaoye)