Basicinformation 基本信息表 親屬

序號 親屬關係類別 親戚姓名 操作
1 曾祖 FFF 蕭䪧 Xiao ?
2 祖父 FF 蕭環 Xiao Huan
3 父 F Father 蕭霞 Xiao Xia
4 母 M Mother 湯氏(蕭遍母) Tang Shi(Mother of Xiaobian)
5 兄 B+ Brother, elder 蕭通 Xiao Tong
6 兄 B+ Brother, elder 蕭近 Xiao Jin
7 兄 B+ Brother, elder 蕭迎 Xiao Ying
8 兄 B+ Brother, elder 蕭随 Xiao Sui
9 弟 B– Brother, younger 蕭迪 Xiao Di
10 弟 B– Brother, younger 蕭? Xiao ??
11 弟 B– Brother, younger 蕭迤 Xiao Yi
12 弟 B– Brother, younger 蕭邐 Xiao Li
13 妻子 W Wife 李氏(蕭遍妻) Li Shi(Wife of Xiaobian)
14 繼母 M^ Stepmother 張氏(蕭遍前母) Zhang Shi(Father'S Late Wife of Xiaobian)