Basicinformation 基本信息表 親屬

1曾祖 FFF趙從龍 Zhao Conglong
2祖父 FF趙完璧 Zhao Wanbi
3父 F Father趙慎修 Zhao Shenxiu
4母 M Mother李氏(趙傚母) Li Shi(Mother of Zhaoxiao)
5兄 B+ Brother, elder趙僖 Zhao Xi
6兄 B+ Brother, elder趙佐 Zhao Zuo
7兄 B+ Brother, elder趙佑 Zhao You
8兄 B+ Brother, elder趙伸 Zhao Shen
9兄 B+ Brother, elder趙倬 Zhao Zhuo
10兄 B+ Brother, elder趙任 Zhao Ren
11兄 B+ Brother, elder趙儆 Zhao Jing
12兄 B+ Brother, elder趙儉 Zhao Jian
13兄 B+ Brother, elder趙侃 Zhao Kan
14兄 B+ Brother, elder趙仁 Zhao Ren
15弟 B– Brother, younger趙儒 Zhao Ru
16弟 B– Brother, younger趙倣 Zhao Fang
17弟 B– Brother, younger趙徽 Zhao Hui
18弟 B– Brother, younger趙份 Zhao Fen
19弟 B– Brother, younger趙僎 Zhao Zhuan
20弟 B– Brother, younger趙俸 Zhao Feng
21弟 B– Brother, younger趙偁 Zhao Cheng
22弟 B– Brother, younger趙僴 Zhao Xian
23弟 B– Brother, younger趙偊 Zhao Yu
24弟 B– Brother, younger趙佶 Zhao Ji
25妻子 W Wife高氏(趙傚妻) Gao Shi(Wife of Zhaoxiao)
26子 S Son趙乾祥 Zhao Qianxiang
27子 S Son趙泰祥 Zhao Taixiang
28繼母 M^ Stepmother姜氏(趙傚前母) Jiang Shi(Father'S Late Wife of Zhaoxiao)