Basicinformation 基本信息表 社會區分

序號 SEQUENCE 社會區分(英) 社會區分(中) 始年 終年 操作
1 0 calligrapher 書法家
2 0 private secretary of official [幕僚]
3 0 seeking office 求仕
4 0 yinju (or yinde) [隱居(有隱德)]
5 0 poet 詩人
6 0 man of culture (wenren) 文人
7 0 skilled at writing 工於文
8 0 Belongs to exemplary group 並稱/齊名
9 0 Was exiled 曾被流放 757
10 0 Known for wine drinking 好飲酒
11 1 civil office [為官者:文] 0 0
12 1 Summoned to the capital 徵至京師 742