Basicinformation 基本信息表 親屬

序號 親屬關係類別 親戚姓名 操作
1 曾祖 FFF 岳德甫 Yue Defu
2 祖父 FF 岳思銘 Yue Siming
3 父 F Father 岳興 Yue Xing
4 兄 B+ Brother, elder 岳端 Yue Duan
5 兄 B+ Brother, elder 岳祥 Yue Xiang
6 從弟 FBS– Father's brother's son, younger 岳海 Yue Hai
7 妻子 W Wife 宋氏(岳正妻) Song Shi(Wife of Yuezheng)
8 從子;姪子 BS Brother's son 岳均 Yue Jun
9 從子;姪子 BS Brother's son 岳坪 Yue Ping
10 從子;姪子 BS Brother's son 岳垣 Yue Yuan
11 從子;姪子 BS Brother's son 岳培 Yue Pei
12 從子;姪子 BS Brother's son 岳墉 Yue Yong
13 女婿 DH Daughter's husband 李東陽 Li Dongyang
14 私生子女之本生母 M! Mother of a bastard 陳氏(岳正生母) Chen Shi(Mother Blood-Related of Yuezheng)
15 嫡母 M~ Mother, nominal; legitimate wife as nominal mother to children of concubine 王氏(岳正嫡母) Wang Shi(Mother, Nominal of Yuezheng)