林庭機(Lin Tingji)- 67157
序號 | 親屬關係類別 | 親戚姓名 | 操作 |
1 | 曾祖 FFF | 林觀 Lin Guan | |
2 | 祖父 FF | 林元美 Lin Yuanmei | |
3 | 父 F Father | 林瀚 Lin Han | |
4 | 兄 B+ Brother, elder | 林庭棡 Lin Tinggang | |
5 | 兄 B+ Brother, elder | 林庭某 Lin Tingmou | |
6 | 兄 B+ Brother, elder | 林某 Lin Mou | |
7 | 兄 B+ Brother, elder | 林庭模 Lin Tingmo | |
8 | 兄 B+ Brother, elder | 林庭木昂 Lin Tingmu?Ang | |
9 | 兄 B+ Brother, elder | 林庭楷 Lin Tingkai | |
10 | 兄 B+ Brother, elder | 林庭材 Lin Tingcai | |
11 | 兄 B+ Brother, elder | 林庭杓 Lin Tingshao | |
12 | 兄 B+ Brother, elder | 林庭樟 Lin Tingzhang | |
13 | 兄 B+ Brother, elder | 林庭榆 Lin Tingyu | |
14 | 兄 B+ Brother, elder | 林庭枌 Lin Tingfen | |
15 | 兄 B+ Brother, elder | 林庭枝 Lin Tingzhi | |
16 | 弟 B– Brother, younger | 林庭壆 Lin Tingxue | |
17 | 妻子 W Wife | 李氏(林庭機妻) Li Shi(Wife of Lintingji) | |
18 | 子 S Son | 林拭 Lin Shi | |
19 | 私生子女之本生母 M! Mother of a bastard | 朱氏(林庭機生母) Zhu Shi(Mother Blood-Related of Lintingji) | |
20 | 嫡母 M~ Mother, nominal; legitimate wife as nominal mother to children of concubine | 黃氏(林庭機嫡母) Huang Shi(Mother, Nominal of Lintingji) |