Basicinformation 基本信息表 親屬

1曾祖 FFF董執中 Dong Zhizhong
2祖父 FF董元亮 Dong Yuanliang
3父 F Father董志道 Dong Zhidao
4母 M Mother蕭氏(董傑母) Xiao Shi(Mother of Dongjie)
5兄 B+ Brother, elder董綱 Dong Gang
6兄 B+ Brother, elder董乾 Dong Qian
7兄 B+ Brother, elder董震 Dong Zhen
8兄 B+ Brother, elder董常 Dong Chang
9兄 B+ Brother, elder董昇 Dong Sheng
10兄 B+ Brother, elder董傲 Dong Ao
11兄 B+ Brother, elder董萬 Dong Wan
12兄 B+ Brother, elder董良 Dong Liang
13弟 B– Brother, younger董倬 Dong Zhuo
14弟 B– Brother, younger董侃 Dong Kan
15弟 B– Brother, younger董偁 Dong Cheng
16弟 B– Brother, younger董人冏 Dong Ren?Jiong
17妻子 W Wife王氏(董傑妻) Wang Shi(Wife of Dongjie)