Basicinformation 基本信息表 親屬

1曾祖 FFF萬德銓 Wan Dequan
2祖父 FF萬原和 Wan Yuanhe
3父 F Father萬福 Wan fu
4父 F Father萬福 Wan Fu
5母 M Mother饒氏(萬鏜母) Rao Shi(Mother of Wantang)
6兄 B+ Brother, elder萬仕勝 Wan Shisheng
7兄 B+ Brother, elder萬仕魯 Wan Shilu
8兄 B+ Brother, elder萬鎡 Wan Zi
9兄 B+ Brother, elder萬欽 Wan Qin
10兄 B+ Brother, elder萬銳 Wan Rui
11兄 B+ Brother, elder萬鑣 Wan Biao
12兄 B+ Brother, elder萬鐩 Wan Sui
13弟 B– Brother, younger萬鎬 Wan Hao
14妻子 W Wife楊氏(萬鏜妻) Yang Shi(Wife of Wantang)
15子 S Son萬汾 Wan Fen